Hallo my potty peeps! I know we are all enjoying the last of our warm days but here at Elsie’s we’ve been having to think about what lovely loveliness we can get you all for the festive season….the trouble is there’s TOO much wonderful bisque and I want it ALL for you!!! In […]
Helen Chambers
Hallo my lovely potty peeps! I’ve been dragged away kicking and screaming for a few days away in the Lakes….please don’t be too concerned for my welfare, it’s not that bad! However it does mean I won’t be at the barn for a few days but if you have pottery […]
hallo my potty peeps, it’s fathers day soon and what nicer way can you think of to tell your dad how great he is by making him his very own personalised piece of pottery! You can choose from mugs, plates, key trays, racing cars or even a tardis or DALEK […]
Hallo potty peeps! We are REALLY sorry but Elsie’s is closed on Friday 25th October as we are off to fetch some lovely Christmas loveliness…keep your eyes peeled for our new seasonal bisques, new spangly glazes and even fired snow!!! We are sorry for any inconvenience, best wishes, Helen ‘n’ […]
I know it feels like the summer holidays are only just over BUT already half term is looming! If you are stuck for an activity why not come along to Elsie’s and have some creative fun…maybe even decorate a few early Christmas pressies for your nearest and dearest. We already […]